We are Dub / Indie / Electronic
We love to live, we D.I.E.
It's more than just a night. It's the day before, the morning after, the prospect of what's to come or the recollections of what has been.
It isn't just about banging choons, raw talent, sweat boxes, decks and guitars.
It's not all about the clothes we wear or the shapes we make or the triangles on the walls.
D.I.E. is a celebration of Life.
It's about people coming together as friends and sharing memorable experiences together through the medium of art music and dance.
Its a celebration of youth however old you may be.
It's not about your gender, your race, your political ideals or your sexual orientation. On that dancefloor, there are no ideals.
We only ask one thing; that you be sound.
Scientist, dentist, Feminist, budist, nudist, optimist, that's all right but most importantly, just be a 'sound'ist.
People have always been doing the same thing, from dancing at the crossroads to the era of the big show bands. There was the Northern Soul club scene to the 90's raves, 80's Ibiza, and the Love Parade.
We've always celebrated life and our time is now. D.I.E. is your space to do the same thing and make this era a time of good memories, friendship and love.
Dance and be free, even if it's only one night a month!
We love to live we D.I.E.
We are Dub / Indie / Electronic
We love to live, we D.I.E.
It's more than just a night. It's the day before, the morning after, the prospect of what's to come or the recollections of what has been.
It isn't just about banging choons, raw talent, sweat boxes, decks and guitars.
It's not all about the clothes we wear or the shapes we make or the triangles on the walls.
D.I.E. is a celebration of Life.
It's about people coming together as friends and sharing memorable experiences together through the medium of art music and dance.
Its a celebration of youth however old you may be.
It's not about your gender, your race, your political ideals or your sexual orientation. On that dancefloor, there are no ideals.
We only ask one thing; that you be sound.
Scientist, dentist, Feminist, budist, nudist, optimist, that's all right but most importantly, just be a 'sound'ist.
People have always been doing the same thing, from dancing at the crossroads to the era of the big show bands. There was the Northern Soul club scene to the 90's raves, 80's Ibiza, and the Love Parade.
We've always celebrated life and our time is now. D.I.E. is your space to do the same thing and make this era a time of good memories, friendship and love.
Dance and be free, even if it's only one night a month!
We love to live we D.I.E.